KNIGHTON Show & Carnival organisers are busy preparing for this year’s event and have recently handed out almost £2,000 as part of their annual commitment to reinvest profits into local youth groups.

The event’s committee invites yearly applications from local youth groups to benefit from the generosity of the town attending the event.

This year, nine different groups have each received cheques for £200, totalling £1,800, which will be used to provide more resources and enable local youngsters to enjoy their group activities.

All youth groups in and around the are invited to apply to the fund; this is then reviewed and the successful groups are awarded funds.


The groups to benefit this year are: Trefy Youth Sports; 1st Knighton Scout Group; Friends of John Beddoes School; Knighton Museum & Gallery Trust; Knighton Junior Football Club; Knighton Youth Project; Knighton Family Centre; Knighton Town Silver Band (Training Band); and Dolau YFC.

“Thanks again to everyone who supports our show in any way; this in turn enables us to allocate a large portion of any profit we make to local youth groups to further their aims and give their young people more opportunities,” said Louise Hardwick, Knighton Show secretary.

“This year's recipient groups each received £200 at a presentation held at the RAFA club and the rugby club in town.”

County Times:  Trefy Youth Sports members, pictured with show chairman Paul Davies. Trefy Youth Sports members, pictured with show chairman Paul Davies. (Image: Knighton Show & Carnival)

This year's show is being held over the summer bank holiday weekend, on Saturday, August 24.

“We have listened to the feedback received last year and are hoping to implement as many of the requested items as we can,” added Louise. 

“In order to do this and continue our show for future years we do need your support.

“We are all volunteers on the committee and we would love to hear from anyone who has a little bit of time to give in helping us with various tasks before, during and after the show – this could be putting up posters, stewarding, helping with processions, putting up or dismantling tents or other roles.”

If you are able to support in this way, even just a little, get in touch with Louise and the committee via

There is no theme this year – so the world is your oyster. Follow the Knighton Show & Carnival 2024 Facebook page for more information.